Vapor Abatement

Portable Vapor Abatement Systems

Air Treatment & Vapor Recovery: Process Flow Rates vs. Mass Removal Rates

RSI’s self-contained vapor abatement systems and ICE Technology offer an innovative solution to industrial degassing and VOC emissions operations. Most oxidation processes require influent dilution air to meet acceptable LEL process safety limits – sometimes reducing influent concentration down to 20% of LEL values. High process flow rates, therefore, do not necessarily equate to high mass removal rates, especially when VOC abatement is required.
Stop paying for processing ambient air! RSI’s Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) technology utilizes dilution air only as necessary to maintain stoichiometric combustion. Further, RSI’s ICE systems can operate with VOC influent concentrations at or above LEL with minimal to no supplemental fuel usage.
In the final analysis, when you compare the capital, installation, utility and O&M costs of thermal and catalytic oxidizers to ICE systems on a “cost per pound destroyed” basis, our ICE technology is usually the clear, cost-effective choice.

According to a study conducted by the United States Air Force (AFCEE):

“Based upon the cost estimate provided in Section 3.4, ICE technology is similar to that of thermal and catalytic oxidation when influent concentrations range between 3,000 to 5,000 ppmv TVH. Above these concentrations, ICE technology becomes more cost-effective.”*

*Excerpt from: “Final Comprehensive Technical Report for the Evaluation of Soil Vapor Extraction and Treatment Using Internal Combustion Technology”, Air Force Center For Environmental Excellence (AFCEE) Technology Transfer Division, July 1998

Don’t Pay To Process Hot Air!
Look at the real bottom line! Don’t let others sell you hot air! Make your investment dollars count by purchasing mass removal efficiency. RSI systems are self-contained and portable. Trailer mounted units may be towed to your site, connected to a propane or natural gas source, and can be operating within minutes!

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