

Soil & Groundwater Treatment

Soil venting & Spray Aeration Vacuum Extraction (S.A.V.E.™) Systems

RSI offers industrial soil & groundwater remediation equipment to remove hydrocarbons pollutants from contaminated soil & groundwater sources. Soil Venting is an innovative technology for removing organic contaminants to remediate polluted soil zones. The organic contaminants in the soil are found in three different zones: as free “product” in pools or residual globules, dissolved in the groundwater, or as vapors in the vadose zone. Soil venting directly deals with the free product and the organic vapors in the vadose zone by applying a vacuum through wells and extracting the air in the contaminated zone.

Soil venting also deals indirectly with groundwater contamination, by removing the overlying free product and vapors, promoting transfer of the contaminants into the vadose zone, where they are removed through the extraction wells. The predominant treatment for removing high contaminant concentrations found in extracted groundwater has been a combination of air stripping followed by activated carbon polishing prior to discharge. Conventional air strippers require a large air-to-water flow ratio to achieve adequate groundwater treatment objectives. Although removal of the groundwater is an effective plume containment mechanism, this is hardly an efficient means for treating groundwater. RSI’s (S)pray (A)eration (V)acuum (E)xtraction (S.A.V.E.™) soil & groundwater remediation system incorporates the basic principles of air stripping with an innovative new twist.

Spray Aeration Vacuum Extraction

Most organic contaminants have a favorable Henry’s law coefficient for air stripping, given their relatively low solubility in water and high vapor pressure. RSI’s patented S.A.V.E.™ system uses the same principles as a conventional air stripper; however, it enhances the stripping process by:

The combination of these four improvements over most conventional air strippers significantly reduces the air/water ratio, which results in less vapor phase treatment. In the case of petroleum hydrocarbons and MTBE, the contaminate becomes partial fuel for the ICE.

RSI's S.A.V.E.™ Solution

A complete system solution can be provided based on our customer’s needs. The S.A.V.E.™ system is mounted on a dual-axle trailer with the ICE, to minimize space requirements and simplify transport and startup. Automation of these modules using the Phoenix S.A.V.E.™ controller makes system operation simple and user friendly.

S.A.V.E Module Removal Efficiency
S.A.V.E Module Removal Efficiency 10 GPM/20 SCFM
S.A.V.E Module Removal Efficiency Air-to-Water GPM

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