Multi-Phase Extraction

Dual & Multi-Phase Extraction

DPE, MPE, & Bio-Slurping

Groundwater Treatment

Dual Phase Extraction, (synonymous with terms like “Vacuum-Enhanced Extraction,” “Multi-Phase Extraction,” “Liquid-Vapor Extraction,” and “Bioslurping”), is a groundwater treatment process that utilizes high-vacuum technology to collect contaminated groundwater and separate contaminates like phase-petroleum product and hydrocarbon vapor from the subsurface.
V3 with S.A.V.E & Bio Slurper Module
RSI's V3 with SVE & DPE Modules

Dual-Phase & Multi-Phase Extraction (DPE/MPE)

The introduction of RSI’s portable and mobile DPE/MPE modules to our Soil Venting Equipment (SVE) system allows us to effectively perform dual-phase extraction, removing the petroleum hydrocarbons (NAPL phase) pooled above groundwater, hydrocarbon vapors, and contaminated water at the water table. Our DPE/MPE modules are some of the most effective in the soil and groundwater industry, allowing us to remove, separate, and treat both gas and contaminated liquid simultaneously (considerably reducing site cleanup time and total project costs).

Dual & Multi-Phase Extraction Modules


RSI’s system is also used for Bio-Slurping and Bio-Venting, which involves the flow of fresh air through the vadose zone. The ICE provides power to all components and in the case of petroleum hydrocarbon contamination, the extracted contaminants are used as fuel by the ICE. The above modules can be combined with the spray aeration system, the ICE and/or catalytic oxidizers to completely remove and destroy all of the contaminants.

Natural gas or propane may be needed as supplemental fuel if the amount of fuel extracted is below the ICE requirements. RSI’s system’s diversity provides truly innovative environmental solutions to the most challenging site conditions.

RSI DPE Module

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